

Q1. Hi Mya, we are so excited to pick your brains on your home buying journey. Can you tell us what made you pick a new build Cala home? 

The location of Craibstone was the perfect place for my boyfriend and I as we’ve always loved the idea of living in a new area and development. My sister also bought a property at Craibstone, which was another big selling point for me. When we visited the showhome, we loved the style and quality of the apartment, and just knew it was the place for us!


Q2. It really seems like it was meant to be. How simple was the process of buying your Cala home?  

Buying a house with Cala was such a simple process. We visited the showhome and had some time to think about our different options without feeling pressured. The support from the sales team was brilliant and they were always so quick getting back to our first-time buyer questions. When we purchased the flat, the team allowed us to visit multiple times to measure and take pictures to make sure we had all our furniture in time for moving in.

Q3. Can you tell us what you love most about your Cala home? 

I love the location of Craibstone Estate as it’s just outside Aberdeen city centre - being able to go woodland walks is amazing especially with Nala.

Watch our reel in collaboration with Aberdeenshire Walks to see some hot spots near Craibstone Estate and things to in Aberdeen.

We also converted our second bedroom into a walk-in wardrobe/dressing room, it’s every girl’s dream. We didn’t use it as a bedroom, so it’s allowed for better use of the space

Q4. How did you decide on the colour scheme and tile option for your kitchen?

When I first saw the black kitchen theme, I absolutely loved it! I had never seen it done before and liked the idea of our kitchen being different and original. I love that we’ve also been able make the cupboards glossy white which is lovely contrast to the all-black theme. I live in the kitchen; I love to cook so it’s the perfect space for me.


Q5. Where do you find your interior inspiration?

I took a lot of home inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest. I try to take snippets of inspiration from those social media sites and then put my own spin on it so I’m not replicating other people’s ideas. After all, everyone has their own taste and preferences.

Q6. Do you have any current favourite trends? 

I absolutely love the warm minimalism trend at the moment. It’s clutter free and simplified, yet I like that every space still feels warm and welcoming. I’ve tried to incorporate this into our home, without it feeling too bare.


Q7. What advice would you give to prospective buyers of a new Cala home?

I’d say when moving in, take your time with all your interior decisions. Before you start buying lots or painting for example, try to get a real feel for your home, don’t rush, it’ll all come together!

To feature on a future Social Spotlight blog and our Instagram, tag us @calahomes.

For further information on homes for sale across UK, please visit our Homes for Sale page. We offer tailored incentives to help you make the move to your dream home.

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